Adding Staff Profiles

Streamed 2 years ago - 25m
We'll take a look at adding staff profiles in ShiftCare and everything else involved.

In this live session, we'll cover:

  • Setting up staff details

  • Uploading certificates and creating automated expiry reminders

  • Compliance reporting

  • Document Hub: shared policy, procedure and template management

Andrew: Thanks for joining us today for our live webinar on setting up staff profiles, with ShiftCare. Uh, this is, uh, a fairly quick webinar, so we'll just take you through setting up those profiles and just giving you a bit of an overall overview of the staff profile section within ShiftCare. Um, with us today, I've got, uh, our Head of Marketing, Cecile, coming on and Marketing Assistant, Sissy Qin.

Uh, Ian's going to be helping me doing the live demonstration a little bit later on. And my name's Andrew Lee customer success manager at ShiftCare. So in today's webinar, we're going to look at, um, a staff profile overview, just to give you an outline of what, uh, what's available in the staff profiles.

Uh, we'll go through the security roles that you can assign to your staff as well, and how to apply payroll settings and, uh, setting up teams within the staff profile. And it's going to take you through some more advanced options, like setting up staff documents and compliance. Within the staff profiles as well during the webinar, we're going to have a live Q and a session as well.

So if you can use the Q and a button at the bottom of the zoom bar, you can, uh, ask your questions in there. And our team will be able to answer those as we go. And we'll answer your questions live as well at the end of the webinar. Um, so if you've got any questions, please ask through there, just avoid using the chat.

Uh, cause we don't really monitor that during the webinar. So just, I use the Q and eight when you. Okay. Let's get started with the signing profile. This is assuming you've already set up a stock profile within ShiftCare. So, uh, to get to this page, you go to the staff section on the left hand side, go to list and that'll list your staff, and then you can access, uh, the staff profile.

From that main menu. So this profile is for Harry. Whenever you set up a staff member within ShiftCare, they're going to be assigned as a carer. Um, for security purposes, the carer is the sort of the lowest, uh, entry for security that you can have in shift care. So they'll only have access to the mobile app.

They'll be able to see this. And there'll be able to access client documents as well. If you've, if you've got that security set up for them. So within the security settings, you've got certain roles that you can apply to staff members. Um, when you sign up to ShiftCare, you'll be the admin. So the admin will have full access to all areas of ShiftCare

And as I mentioned before, the carer has no access to any of the web features that are available. There's four other roles that you can choose from as well. So, uh, we've set up, uh, different roles for different office admin types. So the most common one is a office support. So an office support role is really handy for those people that are scheduling, uh, doing rosters in Europe.

Um, but you don't want them to have access to all of your staff details, like their phone numbers and addresses and things like that. So you can set up, uh, different roles within, uh, the staff profiles, according to the security that you want to provide. So to do that, there's a settings section. Uh, over here, you can see on the left-hand side, you can just edit that settings and choose the relevant role from that drop down there.

There's also a no access, uh, option as well, which is quite handy. So the no access role, um, basically when that's ticked, uh, it can be used for, for like SDA shifts or short term accommodation shifts where there's no staff requirement, uh, on the roster. So this will basically, uh, not put any sort of hours through to your time sheets.

So it's very handy for. For just assigning invoicing to short-term accommodation stays. You can also double book these staff members on shifts as well. So if you create a new access staff member, you might notice that when you, um, double book a staff member, the shift will turn red. Uh, so by creating an Alexis staff member or a dummy staff member, You can assign those multiple staff to the same sort of shift times and you won't get any errors there.

So it's really good for like invoicing, uh, customers for certain things where no staff are required on the shift. Uh, the no access also doesn't count towards your monthly subscription counts. So if you've got staff members that are on a paternity or maternity leave, for example, and you don't want them to access ShiftCare for a certain period of time, uh, you can turn on no access, uh, that will automatically lock their account off.

So that. Uh, access by the mobile app. And it also free up as a set of subscription cats. So you can put someone else in may, in their place, if you like.

Um, secondly, on the settings page, on the right-hand side, I'll just go into this a little bit further. There's a few different options and that you can choose from. So, as we mentioned, the, the role is the security level access of the user, um, teams are for when you assign staff to certain teams, uh, for particular clients.

Uh, and we'll go through that a little bit further in the live demo. Not if I time should approval as pretty straightforward when that options ticked. Uh, and you go through your time sheets and approve them, uh, for your staff, there'll be notified by the app that the time sheet has been approved, available for fostering a really good feature.

If you've got admin staff and office staff that, um, won't be doing any caring work and aren't available for the roster and you can just select that, uh, and cross it off. And when you go to the roster, the shifts, they won't appear in that dropdown for the carer. So just blocks them out for. From rostering when you're doing your, uh, rostering and ShiftCare.

Um, no access, uh, we went through before and the account owner is the super admin of the shifter account. So when you sign up to ShiftCare, whoever's, uh, created the account will be the account owner. And there's only one account owner in ShiftCare per account. You are able to change the account owner, um, yourself, if you want to, but, uh, that'll assign it to that other person.

And then they'll become the account owner of ShiftCare. Uh, with regard to payroll settings, payroll settings appears in the bottom right-hand corner of the staff profile and this links into your pay groups. So in shift, K, you've got your account settings and pay items and pay groups on the left-hand side there.

So when you're setting up your pay groups for both zero P pay and NYOB, you'll create pay group settings and you'll name, those pay groups, depending on. Um, the level of pay your staff going to be receiving these pay groups are then linked into the payroll settings in the staff profile. So you can just edit that and choose the pay group that the staff member is associated with.

So when we transfer the data across to MYOB, for example, we'll use that pay group setting to identify that staff member as a casual level one, and there'll be a myofibril workout then what their, what their pay rates are. You've also got allowances. You can set up allowances under your pay items as well.

In this example, I've got a first aid certificate, which is a permanent allowance, and I've also attached that to the staff member's profile. So each time the staff member does a shift that will be paid that permanent first aid certificate allowance. And that'll also be transferred over into your accounting package.

Once you do that, um, time sheet. I have one thing to note with NYOB in the payroll settings, uh, which is fairly important. Uh, NYOB uses card IDs and oops, sorry. Uh, the card ID on the right-hand side, you can see here. Uh, NYOB set up and that card ID must match identically to the external system identifier in the payroll settings.

So just make sure, um, those two numbers match up. They don't, in my example, which is not a very good example, but, uh, those two numbers should match up perfectly. Otherwise the, the synchronization of the time sheets won't work correctly, um, over the MIOB. With that I'll pass over to, it's going to jump on and do a live demo for us and show us a little bit more about the staff profiles.

Thanks Ian.

Ian: Great. Thanks very much, Andrew.

So it starts me with the I'm on the staff list page. Um, you could add new staff. A couple of different places. You can do that or lead you to the same place. As Andrew mentioned, if you're creating someone from scratch that you intend to be no access, you just take that. And that can be useful, particularly if you're setting up.

Um, the roster, this allows you to get everyone, um, you know, get everyone scheduled and learned clients, set up prices and pay groups and so on and so forth. Um, before ShiftCare invites your team to, um, to create an account. So. Um, what happens when you let's say it's a standard person? Um, we're setting up here soon as, uh, create a person, uh, they'll receive an email to confirm their email address and set up separate password for the account.

As Andrew mentioned, you can set the role for someone say in this case, uh, Harry will be a carer, but if you had an office, um, type user, uh, you select office user, and then type of wrong, I have, um, an up in our help articles. If you search for roles up there, there's a really clear breakdown of what the different rounds have access to.

Um, we can set the date of birth for the person and their address. So for example, um, Sydney address, and as you noticed, as you type the, um, the address gets looked up on Google maps and, um, and it doesn't all take complete for you. That can be particularly useful. Um, if, uh, If you're, uh, from the client's perspective when you're setting up staff.

Now, when I went to create the user, um, it's come up with a max subscription limit error there. That just means that you don't have enough staff licenses. So upgrading staff licenses is very easy from the accounts that's been like from the subscription page. Jane, uh, edit that subscription, confirming all the details here.

I'm going to increase my, um, number of staff licenses by one.

And when that refreshes, you'll see the, um, the invoicing is, has changed and voice for a new person.

And go ahead and successfully correct that person you'll say in the login. Sorry, the last login, but time doesn't have a date set that's because herring here hasn't accepted their invite and created a password. Um, The link lasts for 24 hours and then it expires. So if, uh, if the person hasn't completed that process, um, then you can resend an invite, the invite there.

Um, you can also, um, set them a password by going to manage, um, and reset password. So there's an option there for Harry, um, prepared some documents. So, um, Harry's profile picture. We can change that by clicking there, um, drag and drop. You can also have the team, um, Yeah, this. So when they log into the website app, um, they'll, they'll only see, they're assuming this is a carer role.

Um, you can set their, uh, they'll only see their schedule. They can go into their profile, um, and make changes up in the top. So they get it. They can change their name, date of birth, phone number and change that. Um, so that that's a handy way to save you from, um, from doing some of that set up. I need to just chain change, roll back to Kara.

Um, in terms of, uh, documents, Andrea mentioned uploading documents for. The staff so you can drag and drop from the folders. So for example, um, first-aid certificate file types to use, um, particularly PDFs and word documents. Um, PDFs can open on far on, um, phones and other devices. So that's useful, um, for that.

So now I can set mine. That's a great first aid certificate and apply that, um, whether you can set whether or not the staff member can see that on there. So we'll say they can view their own first aid certificate and an expiry date. So, um, they'll need to renew that sometime. Um, and we can apply it, some other files then manual handling, um, set that to no expression.

And you can say just as that comes up, whether or not it's feasible or not. If I go into, um, the reports, there's four different types of reports and it's all based on, um, the different types of. Um, document that you've got uploaded. And so, for example, um, the first aid certificate falls under the compliance section.

So if I open the compliance report, um, I'll do a search for herring where you could even do a search within. So we can see here. Uh, Harry has his first aid. Um, now common thing. Now is the, uh, Kofi COVID-19 vaccine certificate. Um, if you need to add that, uh, to your account under the settings, on the right hand side, you'll see a number of different types. Um, not just sorry, client documents, but also the. The different qualifications competency. And, um, and then the report headings. So here, we've got our COVID vaccines difficult already. Um, it's as easy as, uh, and then clicking safe. That's one important steps to make sure. And then if I go back tomorrow, we can see now it's again. Um, so I jumped back to a hurry or stuff like staff member can upload their certificate, drop that in.

Um, if I refresh again... it doesn't have a... So just to do a demonstration or set the expiring date in the past. Um, and I'll just take a quick refresh and you'll see, um, that it's flagged up as red and having had expired. I can click back through and see the documents cranberry and sort of confirm. Yep. That has expired if they get a. A new document, new certificate, you can click edit actions and applied the latest version of whichever certificate it is.

That's expired. Um, I recommend just having in ShiftCare, um, the current certificates because, uh, you know, it can become quite cumbersome to manage when there's lots of different versions of the same farm. Um, there's lots of. You know, cloud storage, farm storage, best, um, solutions out there, too many versions and histories and files.

So, um, just to make operating life easier in ShiftCare, I recommend just having the current versions of documents in there. Um, so that's, uh, documents, there is also, uh, Uh, really handy for the admin team to not have to keep continually check, um, the documents and whether they've expired, you can add, um, staff documents.

Um, and if you search in the articles reminders, um, we have a number of, uh, different, um, reminders of that. Particularly, I'm looking here for the expired documents. There's some further down lesson, useful, um, templates here. So you can just copy those, drop that into the template and using these personalization fields.

It'll pull in, uh, in this case. Uh, I would say in our example, Harry, um, your first aid certificate is due to expire in 30 days. Um, and that email will go out every day, um, to everyone who is say 30 days, um, that in advance of expiring, if you, um, Well, you can add multiple reminders. So for example, if I put minus five in here, it will be five days after having expired.

So you can change the wording in the message to be a great deal stronger on that side. So, um, that's a really helpful way just to stay on top of the reminders.

You can add, um, under the staff, you can add, uh, project notes. So for example, um, then they're studying on Fridays. Um, on top of that, you can add, um, from the scheduler you can add what days they're unavailable. Um, it would be. I recommend you asking the stop, your staff to add on availability through the app.

They've got the, um, the ability to do that and they can add multiple days, um, as well. So under, um, under the staff profile, there's a number of other sub menu items. The communications, this will be any, uh, SMS or emails that you've sent the staff members from ShiftCare. Um, and there's a wide variety of different messages.

If you are writing, says omething in a log against that person's profile. If you choose the note option that will send an alert to the person for the app. And now get that, um, So all the others, um, for example, um, in the incident you want to look the incident that, um, that thing gets just stowed in that communication industry.

The staff member doesn't know about that. Um, time sheets and, uh, time sheets recovering at another webinar. Uh, but that shows that his shift history, um, can calendars would do the same thing, uh, but obviously in a calendar format as opposed to a list. And then, um, we just turn back to documents there. So that really completes those, uh, that, that topic was there.

Uh, are there any questions we can answer? Andrew, it looks like he might still be on mute.

Andrew: Thanks, mate. Sorry about that. Um, you've actually answered every question that was asked. Um, there was a question around, uh, adding custom categories to the compliance documents, which you covered, um, reminders, which you've covered. Um, Oh, there was a question around, um, the ability of staff to upload their own compliance documents through ShiftCare, which, um, I advised you can't do,

Ian: Yeah, that's right. Um, mostly really says, um, you get the opportunity to validate that those are, um, real documents.

Andrew: Right. Um, uh, Lisa also asked about SMS messages, which I responded to do extra cost supplier for each reminder message sent

Ian: Ah, yes. SMS messages do cost 10 cents.

Andrew: Perfect mate. That's it. It was a nice quick one today. So, um, thanks everybody for joining.

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