Understanding Supportive Home Health Care: A Detailed Guide for Families and Caregivers

Millions of Americans need home health care to live independently, manage their health, and achieve a positive quality of life. This guide will break down what families and caregivers can expect.

What Is Home Health Care?

Home health care covers a wide range of services, from wound care to health monitoring, physiotherapy, speech-language pathology, and nutrition therapy. These services are prescribed by a doctor and delivered by skilled health professionals, typically for up to a few hours per week.

Compared to residential care or hospitalization, home health care is typically a less expensive and more comfortable way to treat long-term conditions. It’s particularly beneficial for people who are aging, chronically ill, recovering from surgery, or disabled.

For many patients, home health care doesn’t just help them manage their condition or recover from sickness. It also allows them to live with dignity and autonomy in the comfort of their own home. 

Home Health Care vs Home Care: Understanding the Difference

Home health care and home care are two very different services, but they are both key to ensuring patients’ quality of life. Many Americans will need both home health and home care services, with the two complementing each other.

While home health care is specifically medical services, home care services include personal care, companionship, and non-clinical nursing care. Caregivers help patients with daily activities and living, including bathing, toileting, dressing, meal preparation, light housekeeping, and transportation. Depending on the patient’s needs, caregiver services can be provided for a few hours a day or around the clock.

Home care services create a safe, comfortable living environment for people who need additional support in order to live independently. They may be provided by professional caregivers, family caregivers, or a mixture of the two.

Providing Home Health Care: What Are Your Options? 

If your loved one requires home health care services, deciding how to best meet their needs can be overwhelming. Many families start by rallying together, with relatives stepping up as family caregivers. It’s a choice that keeps care personal and in the hands of those who know your loved one best. But it can also be demanding and complex, especially when specialized medical care is needed.

Some families opt to hire caregivers directly. This allows you to handpick someone whose skills and personality match your loved one’s preferences. Selecting caregivers personally can provide additional reassurance, but it also comes with an extra mental load.

Working with care management services is another option. Home care agencies take the guesswork out of finding qualified professionals. They handle everything from vetting to scheduling, care plan creation, and service reviews. They are also able to provide a variety of home services services for patients who need a combination of home care and home health care.

Often, the best approach is a flexible one. You could decide to have family caregivers providing companionship and routine, in addition to professional caregivers visiting daily to ensure non-stop care. Health professionals might also need to provide weekly, doctor-led medical care services.

Each family’s situation is unique, and it’s okay if your solution requires adaptations. No matter who provides home care services, the goal is always the same: ensuring your loved one is cared for, comfortable, and supported.

The Keys to Supportive Home Health Care 

Many people find receiving caregiver services a challenging experience, as they face adjustments to new routines, dependence on others for personal tasks, and concerns about losing their independence and privacy. Creating a home health care experience that is both comforting and effective starts with understanding the patient’s needs and wants. 

Make sure your family member is happy with both their care schedule and their caregivers. Talk with them about their preferences. Remember that their home and their life are changing; they should have a say in these changes.

Software may help you and your care management services provider best meet your loved one’s wants and needs. Private duty scheduling software can help with managing a complex care shift schedule. Some home care scheduling software options, like ShiftCare, will let patients select their preferred caregivers. 

Care should be tailored to suit your loved one’s preferences. This means paying attention to the little details that make their day better, whether it’s their favorite meals, a preferred routine, or the way they like to dress. Share this information with their caregivers; a personalized approach goes a long way to enhancing their quality of life.

When you’re working with home health care or professional home care services, care quality is essential. Opt for vetted health professionals and make sure there’s a care plan in place with clear goals. 

This plan should be a living document. Update it as your loved one’s needs change. Involve them in the planning process; their goals and wishes should drive the care they receive.

Staying Involved with Your Loved One’s Home Health Care

Family members can feel helpless when they see their loved ones in need of home health care, but you play a valuable role in helping them manage their health and well-being. Your support is a cornerstone of a holistic home health care plan.

Make sure your home health care provider gives you regular updates so that you are aware of your family member’s care services and any changes in health, mood, or behavior. Ask for information about their care goals so you can celebrate your loved one’s progress. Emotional support can be incredibly powerful in the journey toward better health and well-being.

Software for a Better Care Experience 

ShiftCare’s care management software helps caregivers, agencies, and families ensure that patients receive compassionate care, no matter what their needs are. It makes it easy to schedule a wide range of care, from meal preparation to occupational therapy. And thanks to ShiftCare Connect, patients’ loved ones can view scheduled services, care notes, billing details, and more. Try Shift Care for free.

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