ShiftCare App Update - Show Partial Availability & More

Asha Neil

Written on 1 April, 2022
One the most requested features has been the ability to show partial availability in calendars. Now caregivers can nominate availability periods. Find out more about this new feature!

We’re always listening to feedback from the people who use ShiftCare to make life easier. One of the most requested features has been the ability to show partial availability in calendars. It means health aides have even more visibility on availability on any given day, and carers are less likely to miss out on a shift due to prior commitments. It’s just one of the changes we’ve made, along with performance upgrades and bug fixes.

So what’s new?

Partial availability

We all lead busy lives, often juggling multiple roles, diaries and appointments. So to help people manage their time more effectively, we’ve made our calendar more flexible. Now caregivers can nominate availability periods that are more specific – from just a few hours to half days, showing a more accurate picture of availability.

To add this feature, update your App to version 2.8.6.

ShiftCare Scheduling Software Update - Add unavailability GIF

Learn more about this new function.

Cancel multiple upcoming bookings 🙅‍♂️

We’ve all been there. You fill your diary, then something comes up. We’ve fine-tuned our shift cancellation option to make it more reliable, and easy to cancel multiple upcoming shifts.

Search made smarter 🕵️‍♀️

The Scheduler has had some changes made to search too. Now you can search by caregiver AND client, to get a clearer picture of who’s working together, when.

ShiftCare Rostering Software - New smart search function

Invoice customisation ✍️

The last update to tell you about is invoice customisation. We’ve made invoicing more flexible, so now you can edit the rate, quantity and shift type detailed on your invoices to better reflect your business.

Start customising!

And our customers are happy!

The recent updates to scheduling from Calendar is a master stroke, could not have asked for more. THANK YOU!

I can trust you all are working towards a better experience for your clients and in return less support calls.

Please convey my gratitude and thanks to all involved in making ShiftCare a great product.

Raja Kohli, Director at Love 2 Care

That’s all for this month!

Remember, if you ever need a hand with ShiftCare, just reach out.

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