Create a Marketing Strategy for your Home Care Agency

Heather Pollock

Written on 12 June, 2023
A well-thought-out marketing strategy is key to running a financially sustainable home care business. Keep reading as we provide a step-by-step guide to what you should be doing in 2023.

We’ll explore everything from digital marketing must-dos to tracking the results of your marketing efforts for your agency.

Marketing Strategy Home Care Agency in 3 Steps

A strategic approach to your marketing efforts will help you see better results. That begins with three main steps: 

#1 Know Your Brand

Knowing your brand inside-out is crucial for establishing a strong presence in the home health industry. Take the time to answer important questions about your brand's mission, values, and what sets you apart from other home health agencies. By clearly understanding your brand identity, you can develop targeted marketing campaigns that resonate with your target audience.

You probably think you already know your brand inside-out. After all, you created it. But just in case, make sure you can answer these questions:

  • What are your brand's mission and values?

  • What sets you apart from other home health agencies?

#2 Identify Your Target Audience

To create successful marketing campaigns, you need to know your target audience, what matters to them, and what influences their purchasing decisions. Conduct thorough market research to gain insights into your audience's demographics, preferences, and pain points. This knowledge will help you tailor your marketing messages and strategies to effectively reach and engage your target audience.

Who are you trying to attract? What's important to them? And what influences their purchasing decisions? You'll need answers to these questions if you want to build a successful marketing campaign.

#3 Create a Strategy and Budget

When developing your marketing strategy, consider four key factors: your brand, your target audience, your budget, and your available resources. While it may be tempting to market your home care agency on every possible channel, it's important to prioritize the channels that are most likely to reach your target audience within your budget constraints.

For example, it would be wonderful if you could market your home care agency on every possible channel — but you probably don't have the budget or time to do that. You need to prioritize the channels that are most likely to reach your audience.

Which Marketing Channels Can Home Health Care Agencies Use?

There are several valuable marketing channels that home health agencies can utilize to reach their target audience effectively:


Referrals from happy clients can be extremely persuasive. Ask your clients for testimonials, and encourage them to follow you on social media. Hopefully, they'll soon start sharing your page and recommending you to their friends.

Website and Search Engine Optimization

Potential clients will want to learn more about you, so ensure you have an accessible website that answers their main questions. Don't forget to optimize it for search too. SEO is a cornerstone of digital marketing, so publish blog posts targeting keywords that are relevant to your ideal client.

Google Business

Google Business is a digital marketing mainstay. It will improve your SEO and ensure you appear on America's favorite navigation app, Google Maps. You can claim your Business Profile on Google for free in minutes.

Paid Search

Wouldn't it be great if your home care agency was the first result when someone searched "home care in (your town)?” Paid search is another option in the digital marketing toolbox, and it will ensure that your agency is at the top of the search results page.

Social Media Marketing

You can target potential home care clients in your area by marketing on social media. Plus, having social media accounts can improve your SEO, making it an important digital marketing channel.

There are dozens of social media platforms to choose from, so you'll want to pick carefully. Facebook is still the most popular social media site and allows for paid ads as well as free posts to your followers.

Google isn't the only search engine that should be in your digital marketing strategy. Make sure you're listed on relevant healthcare websites such as


Building relationships with doctors, hospitals, clinics, social workers, and other medical professionals may lead to increased referrals. While networking requires an initial investment of time, it can provide long-term dividends.

Community Events

Attending community events as a sponsor or stall-holder improves your brand exposure. It demonstrates that you value the community and gives you a chance to show that your agency is a friendly face.

Traditional Advertising

Brochures, radio ads, TV, billboards: these traditional advertising methods still have influence, especially among older Americans. And unlike social media ads, your audience can't scroll past them.

How to Measure Your Success and Improve Your Marketing Results

Regardless of the marketing channels and strategies you implement, measuring your success and adapting your strategy is essential for achieving optimal results. Here's how you can effectively measure your marketing efforts and improve your outcomes:

Measuring Metrics

Before you begin a marketing campaign, decide how you will measure success. Will it be new clients? Social shares? Website page views? Referrals?

When you've decided on the most important metrics, you need to create a system for tracking them and a timeframe for reviewing them. The more data you can measure, the easier it will be to identify the marketing strategies that are proving successful.

Adapting Your Strategy

Once you have your marketing data, schedule time to analyze what's working and what isn't.

Remember that some channels may take longer to show results than others. SEO strategies, for example, can take as long as a year to have an impact. While regular reviews are important, don't write off a marketing strategy too soon.

Conduct a thorough analysis of your low-performing and high-performing marketing campaigns. Look for trends and patterns that can guide you in improving your underperforming campaigns. Refine your messaging, targeting, or visuals to align them with the elements that are driving success in your high-performing campaigns. This iterative process will help you fine-tune your strategies and achieve a better return on investment (ROI).

You should also try adapting your strategy before giving up on a particular channel. Let's take Facebook ads as an example: can you spot any trends among your low-performing and high-performing ads? If you rewrite the low-performing ones so they're more similar to the high-performing ones and re-run the ad, does it have better results?

While this type of analysis can be time-consuming, it's worth the effort. It will help you identify the most effective strategies for your brand so that you can get a better ROI on your marketing efforts.

Software That Drives Growth: ShiftCare's Home Care Software

While a solid marketing strategy is crucial for attracting clients, scaling your agency requires efficient processes, quick client onboarding, and maintaining service quality. This is where the right home health software becomes essential. At ShiftCare, we offer easy-to-use home care software, a comprehensive solution designed to optimize your home care agency's operations.

With ShiftCare's home care software, you can onboard new clients and add them to the schedule in under 15 minutes. It will help you with scheduling, billing, funds management, HIPAA-compliant document sharing, and more. Home health agencies find they can reduce their admin time by up to 90% with our tools.

Discover how home care software can enable your business to thrive. Try ShiftCare for free.

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