Working with the new NDIS Price Arrangements and Provider Travel

Streamed 3 years ago - 13m
Find out how to update to the new 2021 NDIS pricing and how to create provider travel price books to use when rostering and invoicing your clients.

In this live session, we'll cover:

  • Updating 2021 NDIS Price Agreements in ShiftCare

  • Creating Price Books for Provider Travel

  • Scheduling Provider Travel when rostering shifts

Ian: Thanks very much everyone for making your time today to join the webinar. Um, today's webinar really will be covering the new NDIS price agreements and provider travel we'll run through how to update the prices in childcare, and then I'm covering the difference between. Labor on labor pricing and how that works with creating price books, and particularly for provider travel before them kind of looking at, how that integrates with the scheduling and what impacts that has.

Um, and then before we wrap up, we'll, um, we'll have that live Q&A session. So, at this stage I'll throw it over to Andrew, he's going to run from the session. Um, if you, sorry, I missed my housekeeping.

If you do have questions, you'll see the Q&A section, the button at the bottom of the zoom controls. Um, that's where we will, uh, we'll be able to pick up any questions.

Um, if there's anything that requires more assistance, we'll reach out to you after the session. Um, but we're trying to cover as much as we can in this.

Andrew: Hi, everyone. Thanks for joining us today. My name's Andrew, I'm the customer success manager at ShiftCare, and we just want to run you through, as I mentioned, uh, the NDIS pricing for labor and non-labor costs since you've care. So before we begin, I just wanted to explain the differences between the labor and non-labor costs.

So when you're doing your rostering, um, you might want to. Putting some provided travel and provide a troubled, normally charged to clients based on the transportation time. So on the shift, you might have a half an hour component at the beginning of the shift and at the end of the shift to cover that, um, provide a travel time and you can roster that into ShiftCare as part of a split shift, which we'll show you a little bit later on when it comes to billing for provider travel, depending on where that travel is occurring.

Um, there's some. Mmm. So regional areas of Australia or remote areas of Australia, you can normally climb up to 60 minutes of provided travel time. And in Metro areas, it's normally limited to 30 minutes. So you'll just have to check with the NDIS as to what your next. Flammable amounts off for provide a trouble when you're claiming for labor costs, when it comes to non labor costs, that's the amount that you charge the client or pay your staff for the kilometers that you travel.

So that's a per kilometer allowance. It's normally about 85 cents. And. Normally with a support item number, it contains that 7, 9, 9 number, which you can say down the bottom, uh, in that, uh, reference number. So the 7, 9, 9 indicates to the client and to the indice that you're charging for the non-labor 85 St.

Kilometer. Right. Um, it might probably familiar those of you who are familiar with ShiftCare. Um, this is the price book. So in ShiftCare, we've got, um, the two different pricing for the labor cost and non labor costs. So on the left and the yellow, you'll see the prices that you can charge for your labor costs for provider travel.

And that's the same, right? You'd normally charge your client as well. For the, for the, normally our hourly rate for sports and on the right you've got provided travel non-labor costs, which is the 85 cents per kilometer rate. And that's the 7, 9, 9 number that I was referring to before. Um, all switch over into ShiftCare.

Now. That over there. Um, before we begin, I just wanted to run you through updating your price books as well. So within ShiftCare, you've got your pricing on the left-hand side here under prices, uh, just to keep this demo. Straight forward. I've only got two price books ended here and you can see the pricing here is from the 1st of March.

So this is the older pricing for March and we've got the new and the pricing here for July 21. So I want to update this pricing now. So. All you need to do is just click on that blue button at the top. Um, she can generally get the pricing updates within seven days of the Endis release date. Um, the best way to check if the new pricing is available is just to check, put it up.

Button has changed to the new pricing, um, alternatively, up in the top right corner. There's a little button there that you can tick and we'll provide you updates as well here to tell you that the pricing has been updated. So here we updated the pricing on July the sixth, and that pricing is ready to be updated.

So, so update the pricing we need to do is click the blue button ShiftCare will only display the pricing that you've downloaded already into the price book. So to update the pricing, just select the tick box on the ground. And we'll do that for both of the pricing books and click on update. So that's now updated all of our pricing.

You'll notice that the older pricing from March has expired. We actually keep that in ShiftCare because you might have invoicing and shifts that you brought. Um, prior to July one. So we need to keep this for historical purposes so that you can still build for that period of time. But the effective date for this new pricing is now July one.

So any invoicing or any shifts that you create after July one, we'll now use this new pricing in ShiftCare. Okay. So that's pretty straightforward. I'm just going to move over to the schedule and now. So this is going to create a shift here for Gerald. The one I'm going to show you first is how provided trouble might look today, uh, the way you're doing it now.

So I'll just click on advanced edit, and I'll just add myself as the carer. And this just might go from say 9:00 AM to 7:00 PM. Okay. So generally what you would do is you would split the shift into three and you would create, um, provide a travel component. That's taught from nine till nine 30, and you go nine 30

to six 30. And then finally six 30 to seven. So you would have a half an hour trouble at the top and the half an hour of travel down the bottom of the shift. Now, if I save this and I'll go into invoicing,

I'm just going to show you what this invoice looks like. Um, currently. So if I generate the invoice for that shift, It's going to give us a breakdown of the half an hour shifts, but as you can see, it's only showing us the price book, name for assistance with self care standard. Uh, so when you're building your clients, it's very difficult to sort of determine what portion of that invoice is going to be for provided travel and what's just for support.

So, um, a lot of our customers have come to us and said, what, how do we sort of differentiate between what the standard shift is and what the, um, provided travel component is? So we're just going to show you today how to update ship care so that you can actually charge for that provider travel site looks good in your invoices and when you're billing.

So I'm just gonna avoid that off.

Let's keep this simple and I'll delete that as well. Okay. So if we go back into our price books, We've created this new copy function within ShiftCare. So just have a look at the price that you want to provide, um, create, provide a travel for, and just click on copy. And this will create an identical copy of your price book.

So I can then now enter in trouble at the top. So this is the line item that will appear in the invoicing. So basically what I'm doing is just creating an identical price book, but I'm adding the provider travel, um, component to the line item. So in our press copy, that's going to completely duplicate that price book.

So you don't have to reenter all the reference numbers and all the pricing. We've now got to provide a travel price book, and we've got the standard price book down the bottom as well. Now, when I got back into the scheduler, I'll create another shift for Gerald. I put myself down as the case. Oops, that was create these times.

So nine to seven shift. Again, I'm going to split these shifts and just have the half an hour component for travel time at the bottom, top 30 to six 30.

Okay. So we've got nine to nine, 30 for trouble. Um, the shift in the middle and the provided travel, um, down the bottom again there, social actually make that six 30, sorry. Now, because we've got better, the price books with the provider travel. I can now select the provider travel components for. Top shifts and the bottom shift.

So it gives us a really good indication of, of what is provided travel, um, what the standard supports are and the provider travel again down the bottom. So if I save that shift now and we got back into invoices,

no, just generate that invoice.

You'll now. See, we've got a really good indication of what's provided trouble on the shift. So we're at the half an hour, provide a travel component, uh, the standard shift in the middle of the night hours and the additional half an hour for provider travel down the bottom. So when it comes to invoicing and billing clients, Um, you know, I will to really, um, provide a clear sort of definition around what, what is provided travel, uh, when you're rostering your ships within ShiftCare.

Um, one final thing I wanted to show you is when you're doing, um, a shift in you charging for provider travel, you can also add in, um, excuse my obscure back there.

We can mistake. When you're going into your shift, you might want to also add, um, kilometers as well. So apart from just being able to charge the client for the labor component of the providers travel, you might want to also add in a kilometer allowance as well. So down the bottom here is where you charge the non-labor component for the kilometers that are traveled.

So, uh, you can enter this into the shift, uh, so we can charge the client 50 kilometers for the, for the actual, uh, kilometer allowance for that shift as well. If you add mileage to this shift, as well as an allowance, um, all that means is that you're also going to pay the staff member for that 50 commenters as well.

So, uh, on their time sheet, the staff will also be reimbursed 50 kilometers. If the staff members, um, driving a company vehicle, for example, you might want to just charge the client to the 50 kilometers and not provide any sort of reimbursement for your staff. In which case you just removed the, uh, mileage allowance from the shift.

So if I say that now and again, we'll generate the invoice. So now you can see we've got the book, provide a trouble for half an hour, and we've also got the additional 50 kilometers that are charged at the 85. So it really gives you a, um, the clients very clear indication of the billing now that we can set up the provider travel within the shifts in ShiftCare.

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