What You Didn’t Know You Needed in a Mobile Scheduling App

Caoimhe Walsh

Written on 24 February, 2022
A scheduling app can help you save time, communicate better with staff and ensure that shifts run smoothly. Not all scheduling software is created equal, however.

If you’re searching for a new scheduling mobile app for your company, make sure it includes these handy but often overlooked features. 

A Scheduler with Multiple Views for Teams, Workers & Clients

There’s a lot to consider when scheduling. Is everyone scheduled for the correct number of hours? For staff doing home visits, what’s the best way to minimize travel time? Does the schedule take into account workers’ availability and preferences? And are clients’ needs being appropriately met?

A scheduling app that allows you to switch between a team view and a client view, as well as honing in on individual workers’ schedules, will help you manage all of this. 

With the team view, you’ll get the big picture. Meanwhile, clicking through to the individual worker’s schedule will allow you to roster the right staff for the right job. You’ll be able to check certifications and qualifications, as well as ensuring each staff member is rostered for a reasonable number of hours. 

The client view, on the other hand, will help you ensure that each client is receiving the services they need, at times and frequencies that make sense for them. You’ll be able to take a client-centric approach while building rosters that make financial sense for you and your company. 

Some apps allow you to schedule teams for recurring shifts — meaning that once you’re satisfied with a roster, you won’t need to rebuild it every single week. 

A Mobile App for Staff

The right rostering app will facilitate communication with your team, but that doesn’t mean everything should be shared. Staff need different things from their scheduling mobile app than managers do. That’s why it’s a good idea to look for home care scheduling software with a web app for the admin team and a separate mobile app for staff.

With the ShiftCare mobile app, your staff can see exactly what they need to do their job while on the go. Information about a shift will be shared instantly and frequently updated, so you’ll no longer need to rely on emailing out start times. Should there be a last-minute change, you can also log onto the web app and send out an SMS update notifying team members.

Workers can also block off time when they are unavailable via the app. It’s a win-win situation: Staff will appreciate an improved work-life balance, while managers won’t have to go back and forth with them about availability. 

You can also say goodbye to manually checking that team members have confirmed their shifts. That’s all automated and done via the app.

Location-verified Time, Attendance and Expenses

Having clock-in and clock-out data alongside your rosters means you’ll have all the data you need to keep your business running smoothly. Plus, you can connect your timesheets with payroll for extra efficiency.

As team members check in and out via the app and upload their expense receipts, double-checking shift times and expenses becomes easy. Location-based verification means you can trust in the accuracy of your time and attendance records, giving you peace of mind. Plus, automating approval of timesheets within a specific geographic range will free you up to focus on more important things.

You will also know in real time if someone hasn’t shown up to their shift. This will allow you to quickly contact the missing staff member and, if necessary, find cover or contact the client to reschedule. 

What’s more, you’ll get insights into team members’ punctuality, as well as the differences between scheduled shifts and worked ones. From there, you can improve attendance rates by identifying common causes (such as poor weather conditions or getting lost on the way to a new location) and working with staff members to find solutions for them (for example, allowing more travel time for new time clients).

Additional Per-Shift Details

Employees work best when they have all the information they need at hand for their shift. With scheduling home care apps like ShiftCare, you can ensure your team has all the details ahead of time.

You’ll be able to assign multiple locations and clients per shift, as well as separate shifts into specific activities. In this way, staff will know exactly where they need to be and what they need to do at all times. 

Plus, with ShiftCare, you and your team can upload documents to clients’ records in the formats that work best for you. You can update client details, track goals or use text-to-voice to add progress notes on the go. As soon as a carer has been assigned to a client, they’ll be able to review these details, so they can always be prepared and informed at work.

A Rostering App that Helps Your Team Work Better

Whether you’re scheduling for your home care agency or assisted living care support or anything else, the right scheduling app will set you and your team up for success. It will also reduce your workload, ensure smooth communication and improve staff satisfaction.

Here at ShiftCare, our rostering software will let you set up shifts in seconds. You’ll be able to manage staff availability, roster entire teams and set up recurring shifts. You can add specific clients to shifts and ask staff members to clock in and out upload their expenses. 

Multiple views will let you see the bigger picture, as well as hone in on the nitty-gritty details, so you can create schedules that ensure clients receive the best care, your staff remain happy, and you can look after your bottom line.

Try ShiftCare for free today to see how it can help you improve rostering and ensure every shift runs smoothly.

How does the ShiftCare App improve shift planning?

This care app streamlines shift planning by updating rosters, schedules, and availability on your mobile device. It enables care coordinators to instantly notify teams about shifts, keeping everyone informed and ready for their duties.

What is the ShiftCare app and how does it help carers?

The ShiftCare App, available on iOS and Android, connects carers, coordinators, clients, and families for streamlined support service management. It features shift planning, client details access, and time and expense logging, essential for efficient caregiving.

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