Why Should I Become a Registered NDIS Provider? Your Questions Answered

Asha Neil

Written on 5 June, 2023
NDIS provider
If you’re weighing up NDIS registration, this is the article for you. We’ll break down what it means to be a registered vs unregistered NDIS provider, from the cost to the sign-up process.

Why Should I Become a Registered NDIS Provider?

NDIS providers have access to a wealth of benefits, including:

Greater Credibility

As an NDIS-registered provider, you benefit from clients’ confidence in the NDIA. You’ll be able to use NDIS branding on your website and in your marketing materials, which will send a message of trustworthiness.

A Larger Client Base 

When you’re registered, you can provide services to all NDIS participants. Unregistered providers, in contrast, can only work with self-managed participants. With 70% of participants managed by the NDIA, becoming a registered provider gives you access to a significantly bigger client base.

NDIS Payments

You’ll be paid directly by the NDIS, which means you won’t have to worry about invoicing participants. As long as you submit your claims correctly and on time, you’ll avoid late payments and cash flow issues. And you and your clients will be able to spend less time talking about bills and more time talking about their support needs and progress.

(Psst! Use ShiftCare’s bulk claims feature to submit error-free NDIS claims in minutes.)

So Why Doesn't Every Provider Become NDIS Registered?

While becoming a registered NDIS service provider has benefits, it also has some setbacks. You’ll need to pay for regular NDIS audits, which can be expensive. The registration process also involves a lot of paperwork. Smaller businesses with less funds may find it makes more sense to operate as non-registered providers.

What if I Want to be an Unregistered Provider? Am I Still Held to NDIS Standards?

Non-registered service providers don’t have to undergo the frequent NDIS audits, but they do have to adhere to NDIS quality and safeguarding standards.

In particular, unregistered providers must:

  • Follow the NDIS Code of Conduct

  • Have an effective complaints management process

  • Vet staff

You can read more about the requirements on the NDIS website or in our guide to becoming an unregistered provider.

What Are the NDIS Registration Requirements?

Registered NDIS providers must adhere to several conditions of registration. These include:

  • Complying with the relevant NDIS Practice Standards

  • Following the NDIS Code of Conduct

  • Having an in-house system for complaints management and resolution

  • Having an in-house incident management system

  • Notifying the NDIS of any reportable incidents

  • Ensuring staff working with NDIS participants have the NDIS Worker Screening Check

  • Meeting behaviour support requirements (if relevant to your business)

  • Undergoing NDIS audits

  • Complying with all conditions stated on the certificate of registration

How Do I Become an NDIS Registered Provider?

To register as an NDIS provider, you’ll need to:

#1 Apply Online via PRODA

You’ll have to provide details about your organisation, including your contact details, key personnel, organisational structure, the supports you deliver, service coverage areas and the registration groups you’re applying for. You can do this here. You’ll have 60 days to complete the application.

#2 Undergo an NDIS Audit

After you’ve submitted your application, the NDIS Commission will issue you with an initial scope of audit document. This will specify the type of audit you need to book.

NDIS Audits Explained

There are two types of audits: a verification audit and a certification audit. In a verification audit, auditors remotely review your uploaded documentation. A certification audit, on the other hand, involves auditors visiting your business for an on-site assessment of whether you’re complying with the Practice Standards.

#3 Be Assessed by the NDIS Commission

The auditors will submit their report to the NDIS Commission, which will evaluate all the evidence and decide whether to issue you with a Certificate of Registration.

How Much Does NDIS Registration Cost?

The NDIS doesn’t charge you for registering as an NDIS service provider, but the process still comes with a price tag. This is because you’ll need to pay an independent approved quality auditor for the NDIS audit. 

NDIS Audit Prices

You’ll book the audit with a private company, which means prices can vary dramatically. A certification audit is more expensive than a verification audit, plus larger companies normally require longer and more complex audits.

Does NDIS Registration Expire? Can I Be Deregistered?

NDIS-registered providers need to apply for registration renewal every three years, at which point, you’ll need to book another audit. Our guide to preparing for your NDIS registration renewal takes you through the process.

You also have to undergo a mid-term audit at the 18-month mark. If major non-conformities are found, you could end up being deregistered — but only if additional audits don’t find evidence of improvement. Our ebook on avoiding deregistration explains more about this. 

What Are the Biggest Challenges Registered Providers Face? And How Can I Overcome Them?

For an NDIS provider, registration comes with significant benefits but also serious challenges. 

Documentation is essential for demonstrating compliance with the NDIS Practice Standards. We recommend using your NDIS software to manage essential documents, from support plans to incident reports, as it creates the perfect paper trail. 

If you’re using ShiftCare, make sure to set up incident report templates to ensure your support workers record all the required information.

Billing can also prove time-consuming, which is why we suggest submitting bulk claims. Add NDIS line codes to scheduled services so that your NDIS software can auto-generate your bills. That will help you save time and reduce errors.

Tools That Support NDIS Providers, No Matter Their Registration Status

ShiftCare’s NDIS software enables providers to reduce their admin time while improving support quality. With intuitive rostering, NDIS funds management, and NDIS billing, we take the stress out of running a disability services business — whether it’s audit time or simply a busy Monday morning.

Discover how the right tools can support your NDIS provider business. Try ShiftCare for free.

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