Why Care Management System Is A Must For NDIS Providers

With the right care management system, a huge number of complications are solved and processes simplified. Discover why NDIS & Disability Support providers have made the choice to trust ShiftCare.

Providers working with the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) seek to make the process as efficient, simple and cost-effective as possible in order to focus on the clients and give the highest quality service. With the right care management system, a huge number of complications are solved and processes simplified as the fully integrated platform tackles the hardest (most complicated) components.

What to look for in a NDIS Care Management platform?

Important features include:

Trialing the application to get an idea for it’s interface and support is a good place to start.

Taking full advantage of all that the NDIS has to offer to both your business and your clients can appear complicated, but it needn’t be difficult. Let us show you how ShiftCare’s client management software can help your business, and the people it serves, cut through the complexity and thrive.

NDIS bulk claims


Reduce claim and billing time by up to 90%, save on overhead


Doubling-up on claims and executing the same repetitive process over and over wastes company resources and adds to your overhead. For all disability providers large, medium and small, savings and efficiencies gained through reduced overhead and administration costs free up staff to focus on more critical aspects of the business, as well as allowing funds to be diverted to the core work of the company: providing high-quality disability care services.

How ShiftCare can help:

Invoices and NDIS payment requests can be easily generated within the Client management system and once your clients and workers are in the system, the amount of human labour needed is greatly reduced as the [bulk claim process becomes highly automated]. Bulk claims mean speeding up cash flow and simplifying the procedure for your team, saving money, time and resources.

Your admin team can also keep track of the payments currently being processed by the NDIA, with a simple status icon that is automatically updated, saving time otherwise spent on follow ups.

NDIS Bulk Payment Requests - ShiftCare Disability Software

Managing rosters


Easy drag and drop roster functionality, leave block-outs and no more gaps or double bookings


Having even a small team with a few staff can turn rostering into a headache, especially in the disability care industry, not to mention when a business grows and brings on more carers. Plenty of clients with different schedules, different home locations and their personal preference of carer all complicate preparing a roster that works for your staff, the clients and keeps your business profitable.

Not getting the rostering right in your disability support business can risk causing gaps in the rosters or double bookings, which may result in last-minute changes and replacements. This could well be stressful for clients and carers and can affect the reputation of the provider.

How ShiftCare can help:

Rostering is one of the first manual processes that NDIS Providers should seek to automate, given the software is readily available, easy to use and more reliable.

ShiftCare, a leading Australian Client Management programme, has designed its rostering system from the bottom up and with the specific needs of the disability support industry in mind. With ShiftCare:

  • Staff can block out leave periods and N/As directly in the app, without having to fill out forms or contact the office;
  • Create group rosters to have multiple staff on the one shift if there is a need for extra carers;
  • Gaps and mistakes are immediately highlighted to prevent rostering errors;
  • Availability and hours can be modified on the app to avoid being rostered when not able to work, and;
  • Shift swaps and replacements take place directly on the ShiftCare platform, as staff or managers offer up open shifts and carers can add them to their roster.

Where a client has a preference of carer, or requires carers with specific qualifications, admin staff can use ShiftCare to assign a ‘team’ to that client. This makes rostering on the right staff for certain shifts much easier, as a simple drop down list of staff that correspond with the preferences or requirements for the shift appear. We’ve got a full guide on setting up and assigning teams.

View our full range of rostering and schedule benefits with ShiftCare.

Disability provider - Rostering Software - ShiftCare

NDIS Price Guide Integration


NDIS prices are preloaded and ready, with automatic updates.


Prices within the NDIS framework can change and it’s important that your business stays up-to-date and charges the right amounts. The guide can also be complex with many different payment types, and implementing it can be time consuming and complicated.

How ShiftCare can help:

Having the needed price lists pre-installed on a CRM makes onboarding new clients and processing invoices much faster and efficient than constantly consulting the price books.

CRM ShiftCare has the full NDIS price list loaded and available for use, so no matter how complex or straightforward a client’s billing situation, the range of categories and payments are easily applied, streamlining the process.

ShiftCare’s NDIS price list is also automatically updated whenever there are changes, for example an increase in price or a new service added. Your staff don’t have to spend time (and budget) sifting through documents and entering information into a system or spreadsheets – the work’s done for them, and is available on your ShiftCare client management software.

Updating your price book is easily undertaken by heading into the Accounts tab in ShiftCare and selecting the NDIS Price Book that applies to your business. Check our handy full guide here.

NDIS Price Guide Integration with ShiftCare

Additional services pricing guides

ShiftCare isn’t just designed for the NDIS, our system also allows disability support providers to add in additional services that they offer beyond the scheme. This step-by-step guide provides all the information on how to import new prices and to have them integrated into the same easy platform as your NDIS service prices.

Progress notes


Track client progression, help clients to achieve goals, better communication between carers assisting the same client across shifts


Every client has their own goals as set out in their care plan that your carers focus on to help clients achieve their aims. Keeping track of this is important for their own success and the success of the carer., and it is a legal responsibility for you as the carer under the NDIS. If clients have multiple carers helping them, there needs to be constant and clear communication to ensure that progress is being met and any new concerns are shared.

How ShiftCare can help:

Being able to store your clients’ progress notes in one easy-to-access location allows for full client care management. Carers can add notes and update files directly on their phone, tablet or laptop from the client’s home, rather than taking handwritten notes and uploading them later. They can also utilise the handy speech-to-text function to speed the process up.

You can set up unique templates for each client to customise their goals, focus areas and needs, making it simple to track their progress. For clients that have multiple different carers, CRMs can facilitate easy collaboration with progress notes accessible by anyone assigned to the client.

Progress Notes for Disability Support Services - ShiftCare App

Accounting integration


Seamless payments and accounting tools all in the one place, reduce admin time and spend


Mandatory accounting tasks can add plenty of expense and take up your admin team’s time, distracting from investing in other parts of your company. Having to input data across various applications is mere duplication and isn’t an efficient business practice.

How ShiftCare can help:

Integration with some of the biggest accounting software tools means that invoices and statements can be quickly produced in ShiftCare and then instantly exported directly to your integrated accounting platform.

We work with XERO and MYOB to help our customers reduce their overhead and admin time spend, so that they can invest smartly in their business and teams. This provides users with all the necessary tools within the one Care Management Software, simplifying administrative processes.

NDIS Accounting Integration with Xero, MYOB - ShiftCare Disability Provider Software

Easy transport and travel claims


Easy tracking of staff expenses and claims, simple admin process


A major part of working in the disability support industry is needing to commute to people’s homes for shifts, as well as transport the client to appointments or other locations for their care. Carers under the NDIS are in some cases eligible to claim expenses on this travel, however this needs to be accurately recorded and calculated, which can take up significant admin time.

How ShiftCare can help:

Carers can directly add their mileage and transport expenses in the app, which can then be used by admin to automatically calculate claims and payments. This eliminates the need for back-of-the-envelope calculations and for paper records to be filled and submitted to the office, as everything is stored and shared directly in the care management system.

The all-encompassing Care Management system

For all the unique demands and challenges of the disability support industry, having a powerful yet simple care management platform makes the difference between an effective NDIS provider and one that is bogged down by admin and overhead.

Designed from the ground up specifically for the disability support industry, ShiftCare helps NDIS providers to cut down their admin time and costs, do away with paper, simplify rostering and improve communication - all helping to create a better business.

Start your free trial of the ShiftCare client management system today to see how it can transform your disability provider business.

NDIS & Disability CRM - ShiftCare

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