Your One-Stop Guide to Using NDIS Plan Management Software

Asha Neil

Written on 17 October, 2022
NDIS software can help you efficiently manage clients’ plans, remain compliant and improve your service quality. On top of all this, they should reduce the time you and your team spend on admin.

You'll see the most benefits out of your NDIS plan management software when you know how to use it well. Keep reading as we break down the role NDIS software can have in providing empathetic disability supports.

What is NDIS Plan Management Software?

NDIS plan management software is a valuable tool for NDIS service providers and plan managers alike. It helps you manage every stage of the NDIS participant's experience with you, from onboarding to service bookings and funds tracking.

Quality NDIS software won't just monitor plans and funds usage, however. It will also function as client management software, an accounting system, a workforce management tool and more.

The Many Benefits of NDIS Plan Management Software

By automating many of your administrative tasks, NDIS plan management software can save you time while also minimising the risk of human error. It will ensure that your team members have all the information they need to do their jobs well, and as such, help you improve the worker experience. Your clients will also benefit from better-quality support.

Using NDIS software instead of general software for your workforce management, client management and accounting also presents several benefits. The program will come with integrated NDIS price guides as well as all the features you need to keep to NDIS rules. Plus, it should make bulk claims a pain-free process.

You might assume that NDIS software is best-suited to large businesses managing numerous support workers and NDIS participants. However, small providers also benefit from the improved efficiency, in-team communication and compliance features offered by this powerful software.

How to Use NDIS Plan Management Software 

NDIS software will help you create a better participant experience centred around clients’ needs and the requirements of the National Disability Insurance Scheme.

Client Assessments and Onboarding 

Your NDIS plan management software will store important client information and documentation, from their support plan to the service document and proof of consent. Ideally, your NDIS CRM software will allow you to add document expiry dates so you can be notified when you need to update client information.

Make sure to set appropriate levels of access to this client data. Your team members should have access to relevant participant information, such as care plans and recent progress notes, before and during their shift. However, participants need to know that their privacy is being respected.

Support Worker Matching and Rostering

Your NDIS software will probably have automated client and support worker matching, which will help you identify the most appropriate team member. Once you've identified the best team member for the client, you can add them to the roster. Check that your NDIS plan management software will allow you to add multiple NDIS clients to a worker's shift.

Service Delivery 

You'll see better participant outcomes when your support workers have all the information they need while on shift. With a companion app for your frontline staff, team members will be able to access participant details on the go, from their support plans to recent updates. They should also add their progress notes straight away, while the details are fresh in their mind.

Additionally, you can ask staff to check in and check out with their mobile phones. This will create an electronic proof of service delivery ready in case of audits.

Communication with Participants and Their Loved Ones

With NDIS plan management software, your client communications will be streamlined. Whether you want to share a progress update or confirm participants are aware of their funds usage, you'll be able to do that from within the program. Plus, some NDIS software comes with a companion app for clients and their friends and family members.

Claims, Billing, Expenses and Accounting

Getting paid is an important part of running an NDIS service provider business, but it can also be a hassle. NDIS plan management software will make billing and accounting quicker and easier. It will prepare bulk claims files, so that you can cut down on the time you spend claiming.

It can also integrate with your accounting so you can monitor expenses and ensure you're sticking to your budget. And since every claim and invoice will be based on the electronic clock-in and clock-out data, you can be sure that they'll be correct. In turn, this will increase the likelihood of you getting paid quickly for the services you've delivered.

Funds Tracking and Forecasts 

NDIS plan management software will track clients’ funds usage so you can ensure they never run out of money for the services they need. Forecasting features will help you spot if a client is likely to go over or under their budget. This will give you time to find a solution before their funds usage becomes a problem.

Get Started With Intuitive NDIS Plan Management Software

NDIS plan management software is a one system solution that will help you manage every step of your clients' journey with you, from onboarding to plan renewals and audit preparation. It can reduce your costs, improve your data security and enable you to provide more human-centric support.

ShiftCare's user-friendly NDIS software comes with a suite of NDIS plan management tools, from built-in price guides to progress notes. Its smart rostering tool is designed to meet the needs of NDIS providers, and allows you to add specific NDIS participants to a support worker's shift. Other features include document expiry notifications, secure document storage, and companion apps for your frontline staff and clients' friends and family alike.

Try ShiftCare for free to see how you could reduce the time you spend on admin tasks by up to 90%.

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