How Much of Your NDIS Business's Resources Are You Wasting on Manual Processes?

Asha Neil

Written on 19 June, 2023
By reducing the time spent on manual processes, NDIS providers can be more productive and profitable. You’ll be able to invest in service quality instead of spending hours poring over paperwork.

The True Cost of Manual Processes

Manual processes come with a high price tag. They represent:

A Loss of Time and Resources

Low profit margins and constant paperwork are two of the biggest challenges facing NDIS providers. Manual processes contribute to both of them.

It can take hours to manually build rosters, run payroll and claim for NDIS services. When your staff have to spend this much time on admin work, the costs of offering disability support rise and your profit margins suffer. Fewer than half of NDIS businesses made a profit in 2022.


Manual processes are vulnerable to human error. The more repetitive the process, the more likely your admin team is to make a mistake.

However, there's little room for error in disability support. Incorrectly entering client details, scheduling the wrong services or mistyping an NDIS line code can have severe effects on support service quality. 

Even if the mistake only leads to a scheduling clash or a rejected invoice, it could still take hours to find and correct it.

Stressed Staff

Manual processes can be challenging for your admin team and support workers alike. It's hard to deliver quality supports when you also need to find the time to manually fill in paperwork, from proof of expenses to progress notes.

Long-winded processes, the high likelihood of errors and the monotonous nature of manual processes can all contribute to mental exhaustion. Over time, this can lead to burnout and staff retention problems.

Missed Opportunities for Growth

When onboarding new clients is a time-consuming, resource-intensive process, it stifles your ability to grow. You can find yourself in the frustrating position of having to turn away clients whose business you need, just because you don't have the staff required to add them to the roster, track their goals and provide family members with updates.

Manually analysing your business data can also prove to be too much work. But without access to insights from real-time data, it can be harder for NDIS providers to track clients' fund usage or your business expenses. You can lose out on opportunities to improve business margins and support quality.

5 Ways NDIS Providers Can Automate Their Processes

While manual processes can be costly, it's easy for NDIS providers to automate their processes and support services. For the biggest impact, start by tackling these five areas.

#1 Rostering

Set up team and recurring shifts via your rostering software so that you can quickly create future rosters. Make sure to add the NDIS client, services and line codes for each shift so that you can auto-generate service records and invoices.

By inviting your team to bid on jobs and set their availability via the rostering app, you can also cut down on the time spent confirming shift times. You’ll be able to roster more quickly while empowering your support workers to take control of their work-life balance.

#2 Client Plan and Funds Management

Staying on top of participants' funds usage will help you ensure clients receive all the services they need. You'll be able to forecast future usage so you can amend support plans in plenty of time and avoid overspending. Make sure your rostering and time-tracking tools integrate with your funds management system so it automatically updates.

Additionally, consider using your NDIS software to set up progress note templates with a section for tracking progress towards clients' goals. This will give you at-a-glance insight into the effectiveness of the client's support plan, which will be invaluable for plan reviews.

#3 NDIS Claims

Use your NDIS software to auto-generate correct invoices and a bulk claims file from your service records. Automated bulk claims can reduce your invoicing time by 90%, compared to manually creating and claiming invoices.

#4 Communications

It's easy for NDIS providers to spend hours on emails and phone calls. Instead, use an all-in-one NDIS software solution to automate communications with support workers and clients.

Make sure your roster is automatically shared with support workers via their mobile app, along with access to client documentation.

Ask your support workers to write progress notes that are appropriate for clients and their loved ones to read. That way, you can select notes to share via your client portal. You'll be able to provide detailed, personalised updates in a matter of seconds.

#5 Compliance

SCHADS award and NDIS compliance are of critical importance for NDIS providers. You need detailed documentation to demonstrate compliance with the Practice Guidelines for NDIS audits, from progress notes to consent forms and proof of complaints management systems. 

Use your NDIS software to prompt staff to fill in detailed progress notes and incident reports. Set up expiry notifications for clients’ and support workers’ documentation. And use electronic time-tracking for accurate, SCHADS-compliant payroll.

Moving Away From Manual Processes: 3 Essential Tips

Make the transition from manual to automated processes simple by:

  • Using intuitive NDIS software so that your team can quickly learn your new systems

  • Having a transition period; don't stress out your team by demanding they learn the new processes overnight

  • Listening to your staff: ask them which manual processes take the longest, and then make automating those the first priority

Say Goodbye to Manual Processes with NDIS Software

ShiftCare's NDIS software helps you automate everything from rostering to client funds tracking, NDIS bulk claims, participant updates and compliance. Our clients find that tasks that used to take an entire workday can be completed in minutes.

Discover how NDIS software can help you save time and grow faster. Try ShiftCare for free.

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