NDIS Audit Essentials: What Providers Need to Know

Good preparation will help secure a positive NDIS audit outcome for your disability support business. And, when done right, it will save hours of time and reduce stress for you and your team.

What Is an NDIS Audit? 

An NDIS audit is the National Disability Insurance Scheme’s principal quality assurance check. It confirms that disability support providers are conforming with the NDIS Practice Standards. 

In doing so, it plays a vital role in ensuring that NDIS participants receive safe, high-quality disability support.

Do All NDIS Providers Need to Be Audited? 

Regular NDIS audits are mandatory for all registered NDIS providers. You’ll be audited as part of the registration and registration renewal processes, plus you’ll need to book a mid-term audit 18 months in.

If you’re unregistered, you won’t undergo the same audits. However, should NDIS participants raise complaints against you, the NDIS can still investigate and take action. And with the latest NDIS review recommending that all providers are registered or at least enrolled, it’s more important than ever to stay NDIS-compliant.

How to Prepare for an NDIS Audit 

NDIS audit preparation should start as early as possible. Ideally, you’ll always be operating in such a way that you could pass an audit tomorrow. Our seven-step NDIS audit preparation checklist will help you achieve this.

1. Review the NDIS Practice Standards and Code of Conduct 

Auditors are looking for proof that you’re adhering to the Practice Standards, so start your preparation by rereading them. If there’s anything that you’re not sure you’re complying with, make note of it.

2. Check Your Systems Conform with the NDIS Practice Standards 

Now that you’ve refamiliarised yourself with the Practice Standards, it’s time to double-check that you’re fully compliant. In addition to implementing anything that you noted in step one, review your processes. Pay close attention to important safeguarding protocols, including complaints management and mandatory reporting, as well as staff training.

3. Create a Robust Document Management System

Documentation is essential for audit preparation. Make sure you’re using an NDIS-compliant system for document management. Use your NDIS software to create a verifiable digital record of each shift, manage your client and support worker documentation, and set up document expiry notifications.

4. Review Your Evidence

Your auditor has a small window of time in which to evaluate the evidence that you’re conforming with the Practice Standards. Without this evidence, they’ll have to mark you down for non-conformities. So, ensure you’ve got clear evidence of compliant systems and their implementation for each element of the NDIS Practice Standards.

5. Run Internal Audits 

As part of the audit process, your auditor will ask to see proof of your internal audits. Remember that these are mandatory for all registered NDIS providers. The Core Module of the NDIS Practice Standards requires you to have a “documented program of internal audits.” Our internal audit guide will walk you through how to conduct one.

6. Prepare for Interviews 

Interviews are a key part of the NDIS audit process. The auditor will speak to select NDIS participants and staff members, ranging from your leadership figures to your carers.

As such, it’s essential that your staff know their responsibilities, understand your systems and can explain them correctly to the auditors. You should also contact participants ahead of time to check if they consent to being interviewed. Don’t forget to document their response and inform your auditor.

7. Book Your Audit

It’s your responsibility to ensure that you’re correctly audited. Add your audit deadline to your calendar, set up reminders and make sure you book it in time.

Stay Audit-Ready with ShiftCare

ShiftCare’s NDIS software supports you through every stage of the care management process. From rostering your team to auto-generating invoices, it contains all the tools you need to provide exceptional disability support.

But where ShiftCare really shines is its NDIS compliance features that will make audit preparation easy. You’ll have access to secure document management, document expiry notifications, exhaustive digital records of every service provided, and quality assurance features such as location verification and client digital signatures. 

Switch to a system that won’t let you down at audit time. Try ShiftCare for free.


How much is an audit for NDIS?

Audit costs can vary, especially since they’re conducted by independent companies. As a general rule, the more complex the audit, the greater the cost.

Who audits the NDIS?

You must contact an approved quality auditor to conduct your NDIS audit. They’ll then submit a report to the NDIS Commission, who will make a decision on your audit outcome.

How often are NDIS audits required?

You’ll need to book an NDIS audit at least every 18 months. If an audit finds major non-conformities or you’re reported to the NDIS Commission, you may be more frequently audited.

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