NDIA Announces Updates to NDIS for 2024

Caoimhe Walsh

Written on 17 July, 2024
The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) has recently published the NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits 2024–2025. It contains several updates to last year’s price guide.

Here are the major pricing changes, along with what your disability services provider business needs to do to stay compliant.

What Are the Key 2024 NDIS Pricing Changes? 

The NDIA has made extensive pricing changes to the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). The main ones to be aware of are:

Price Limits Increases

With the Fair Work Commission (FWC) raising minimum award wages from the 1st of July, 2024, the NDIA has introduced a large number of pricing increases. However, this isn’t true across the board. 

The FWC’s minimum award wages have gone up by 3.75%, meaning disability care businesses will see a greater percentage of their service fees going towards support worker wages. The NDIA has responded to this by increasing price limits for level 1 NDIS support coordination services, psychologists and nurses, among others.

Despite that, the pricing limits have remained the same for support coordination levels 2 and 3, as well as any type of therapy not provided by a psychologist.

Short-Term Cancellation Periods 

Disability providers have always had the right to claim the cost of a service if a client cancels at short notice, which the NDIA labels a short term cancellation. There are some terms and conditions attached to this: you must show that your business had to pay the worker for the time and was unable to find alternative billable work for them.

Short-term cancellation charges are not going away. However, the NDIA has made a significant change to them. For non-disability support worker-related supports, the NDIA has changed the definition of a short term cancellation from seven days to two clear business days. 

For disability support worker supports, the short-term cancellation period is still seven days.

End of Temporary Transformation Payment (TTP) 

The Temporary Transformation Payment (TTP) was introduced in 2019 to help personal care and community access providers transition to the NDIS. As of the 30th of June, 2024, it’s no longer available.

When Do the 2024 NDIS Pricing Changes Go into Effect? 

The NDIS pricing changes went into effect on the 1st of July, 2024. Participants should see their funding increase in mid-July to account for this.

Even if a participant’s funds have not yet increased, you should now be using the updated Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits. Participant funding increases will be backdated to the 1st of July to account for this.

How to Make Sure You’re Using the Correct NDIS Prices

Complying with NDIS prices sounds simple, but the reality is very different.

The 2024 NDIA Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits is 95 pages long. It’s full of tables of different pricing limits, conditions that you have to meet and more. And even though it’s designed to be annually updated, there are normally several changes made throughout the year. 

To avoid invoicing errors and rejected claims, make sure you:

  1. Use disability management software with built-in NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits

  2. Assign the right support item name and number to rostered services

  3. Correctly set clients as National, Remote or Very Remote

  4. Use Split Mileage features to bill the right amount for provider travel expenses

  5. Keep verified shift records to support your claims

Simplifying NDIS Claims and Compliance

ShiftCare’s NDIS software helps you manage your disability provider business. With the up-to-date NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits built into the software, you can rest assured that you’ll always be charging the right amount for services.

Plus, ShiftCare can auto-generate NDIS bulk claims files straight from your geo-verified shift records. It will help you save time, reduce errors and create a perfect paper trail.

The software also comes with rostering, client funds and goals management, progress notes and more.

Try ShiftCare for free.

How long does it take to get reimbursed from the NDIS?

NDIS claims are typically reimbursed within 2–3 working days. However, if the NDIA decides to review it, your payment will be placed on hold until it’s been manually checked and approved.

How far back can you claim NDIS?

You can make an NDIS claim up to 90 days after a client’s service booking has ended or they have passed away. The 2024 Bereavement Addendum also allows you to claim for some services after a client’s death by sending an invoice via the payment enquiry function.

Why was my NDIS payment rejected?

NDIS payments can be rejected for lots of reasons, from incorrect bank details to the wrong prices or line codes. That’s why it’s a good idea to use software to auto-generate NDIS claims files based on the shift records and NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits.

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