How to Get the Most Out of Your Disability Care Software

Asha Neil

Written on 24 October, 2022
Disability care software can help you achieve better health outcomes for clients and happier support workers, all while adapting to the evolving needs of the disability services industry.

In addition to better outcomes for clients and support workers, disability care software makes NDIS compliance and billing easy. 

Make sure you’re taking full advantage of your disability care software’s capabilities. You’ll see greater benefits when you’re using its entire range of features.

Set Yourself Up for NDIS Compliance and Successful Audits

The National Disability Insurance Scheme has stringent rules for disability support providers. However, with disability care software, you can create a straightforward system for compliance management and audit preparation.

Client documentation is a pillar of NDIS compliance, and auditors will want to review it. Your disability care software’s document management features will enable you to securely store all the paperwork and important client details in one easy-to-access location. Make sure you store all your electronic records, from consent forms and support plans to progress notes and incident reports, in the right location. 

Don’t forget to establish document expiry dates. With automated notifications, you can rest assured that documents are never out of date, whether they’re client details or support workers’ right to work documentation.

Want more information about documentation for audits? We’ve published a thorough guide to preparing for NDIS audits so that your organisation can see better outcomes.

Add Your NDIS Service Codes and SCHADS Award Details

Good software will already have the NDIS pricing arrangements and limits (aka the NDIS price guide) built in. This is an invaluable tool for disability support organisations. It will help ensure that you’re always billing the correct amount for NDIS participants.

Make sure you’re also assigning NDIS service codes to your support workers’ shifts when rostering. You can add multiple clients to an individual team member’s shift and assign different tasks and codes. In turn, this will simplify the billing process.

Similarly, you should add SCHADS award details to individual workers’ shifts. This will enable you to more easily manage your labour costs and spot potential award compliance issues.

Create Rosters That Work Well for Everyone

It can be hard to craft a roster that suits clients, support workers and your finances all at the same time. There are many factors to consider: labour costs, roster efficiency, clients’ preferred service delivery times and dates, support workers’ availability, location and more. 

Disability care software can help, however. While any rostering software will be a step up from using Excel spreadsheets, specialist disability software boasts features that you won’t find in more generic programs.

Support workers can add their preferred shifts and availability via the caregiver app, while the automated rostering tool will create a draft roster in seconds. You can then drag and drop multiple clients to each shift. 

With software designed for disability support, you can view individual client schedules as well as those of individual support workers. This will allow you to double-check that the schedule works for everybody, and in doing so, keep support workers and clients happy.

Ensure the Software Makes Your Support Workers' Lives Easier

One of the key benefits of disability care software solutions is the ability to improve your support workers’ on-shift experience. This will not only boost their motivation and engagement but also facilitate them to work to the best of their ability.

In addition to ensuring the schedule takes their availability into account, the mobile application can support staff by providing secure access to all the information they need to deliver quality home care. They’ll be able to view not just their shift location but also pertinent client information. 

Plus, the system will also allow them to add and read progress notes in real time, immediately after service delivery, when the information is fresh in their mind.

With disability care software, your support workers won’t have to spend time chasing up client information. Instead, they’ll be able to focus on providing quality services and delivering better outcomes.

Involve Clients and Their Loved Ones

Client empowerment is an essential aspect of providing empathetic disability support and improving health outcomes. Fortunately, disability care software has numerous client management and communication features that you can take advantage of.

You can add important information about their support plans to the portal for clients and their loved ones. Make sure it’s in accessible language and can be understood not just by disability support professionals but also by laypeople. This is particularly important if you’re directly sharing progress reports and other support records.

Encourage clients and their loved ones to access the portal to review services and request anything they need, from updates to additional services. By involving them in the process, you will ensure that clients’ agency is respected.

Manage the Entire Client Lifecycle

You might think you should use specialist programs for different functions, such as client documentation and onboarding, rostering, service delivery, billing, or time tracking. However, managing the client lifecycle through one software solution will help your organisation improve operational efficiency. 

You’ll find it easier to manage client services when everything can be accessed via the same platform. You can use the documentation management features for onboarding and proof of service delivery. Time tracking features can be used for adding receipts for expenses, which in turn can be integrated with billing and accounting. You can also track and project client funds usage to more effectively plan service delivery.

Disability Care Software That Will Help Your Business Run Smoothly

Disability care software can help your organisation improve client outcomes, effectively manage support workers and ensure compliance at every stage.

ShiftCare's NDIS software is designed to meet the needs of Australian disability service providers. It offers NDIS price guide integration, secure document management and advanced rostering features. Plus, there's a support workers' app and a dedicated portal for clients' friends and families.

To discover how ShiftCare can empower care providers like yourself, try it for free.

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