Efficient Rostering for NDIS Providers: How Software Solutions Can Improve Staffing and Scheduling

Asha Neil

Written on 3 April, 2023
More efficient employee scheduling adds up to reduced costs, an improved quality of service delivery and a better employee experience for your team. Scheduling software can make this possible.

There’s a lot to consider when rostering, from support workers’ availability to qualifications, client locations and more. It can be tempting to accept “a roster that works” rather than investing extra time in improving your roster’s efficiency. However, by making efficiency a priority, you’ll benefit from better workforce management and better finances.

The good news is that NDIS software can make efficient rostering simple. Keep reading as we break down everything you need to know about using software for improved rostering.

The Two Sides of Efficient Rostering

When optimising the rostering process, there are two ways that NDIS providers can see increased efficiencies. 

The first is by building a roster that leads to reduced travel and labour costs. Through careful client allocations and shift schedules, you’ll ensure that every staff member provides supports to the maximum number of NDIS participants possible, without overworking your team. And with built-in NDIS pricing arrangements, you can also double-check that travel time and expenses are billable.

The second way is through reducing the time spent on rostering. Scheduling shifts is one of the most time-consuming tasks facing your admin team. By optimising the process, you can free up hours of valuable time that can be better invested in other tasks.

The right rostering software will empower you to both create more efficient rosters and spend less time building them.

The Benefits of Efficient Employee Scheduling for NDIS Providers

More efficient scheduling offers a wide range of benefits, including:

A Happier Workforce 

Better workforce management results in happier, engaged team members who are able to deliver their best-quality work. By giving your team more control over their schedules, you’ll find it easier to prevent staff burnout and retain your best team members. And when you highlight this in job listings, you’ll find it easier to attract qualified NDIS support workers.

Reduced Costs 

More efficient scheduling leads to reduced per-service travel and labour costs. You’ll be able to maximise time spent delivering services through assigning geographically clustered clients to the same support worker, as well as avoiding expensive overtime for your admin team. And through using NDIS management software with a built-in NDIS price guide and funds tracking feature, you can ensure that every support is fully costed.

Improved Support Quality 

A more motivated workforce leads to better outcomes for clients. There will be a reduced risk of overwork-induced human error, plus it will be easier for you to assign the ideal support worker to each client.

Satisfied Clients 

Your clients will receive the supports they need from qualified staff and at a time and date that works for them. 

Less Admin Work 

You’ll be able to free up time for your admin staff to focus on essential tasks, such as new service bookings, payroll or marketing.

Capacity to Grow

Adding new clients to your roster can be cost-prohibitive, especially if you’re operating with a small staff. By creating more efficient rosters, you’ll reduce the administrative burden while helping your support workers make the most of their time on shift. In doing so, you’ll set your NDIS business up for growth.

How NDIS Software Solutions Support Providers in Efficient Rostering

NDIS rostering software can make all the difference to your schedules. It will help you: 

Roster Faster and Better 

With rostering software, it’s easy to schedule entire teams, create recurring and split shifts and more. The software will give you better visibility of staff availability so you can make rostering decisions in seconds. And it will help you comply with the SCHADS award.

NDIS software with built-in rostering tools will also enable you to add NDIS service codes to scheduled services.

Look for essential rostering software features such as drag-and-drop technology, per-client and per-worker views of the schedule. These features will give you the oversight you need to check that support workers’ rosters are efficient while still adequately meeting participants’ needs. 

Improve Client-Worker Matching 

Rostering software will help you allocate the ideal support worker to each NDIS participant. Use the software to create shortlists of appropriate staff members based on skills and qualifications, client preferences and more. You can then select from this shortlist when building your rosters, saving you time and effort.

Reduce Time Spent on Communications

With NDIS rostering software, you can cut out the back-and-forth. Finding cover and filling vacant shifts can be done with just a few taps of your phone. There will be no need to chase up shift confirmations, ring your entire team to discover who’s available for shift swaps or check long email chains.

Your team will be able to set their availability, request time off and bid on new jobs via their mobile devices. The app will automatically update with the new roster as soon as you’ve signed off on it. 

Your support workers will also have instant access to the participant information they need via the mobile application, from client progress notes to client goals and service agreements. 

Achieve Better Workforce Management with NDIS Rostering Software

Rostering software helps you ensure clients’ unique needs are met, while also reducing your admin team’s workload, improving your finances and giving your team members control over their work-life balance.

ShiftCare’s care management software is built around the needs of NDIS providers and their clients. It offers participant onboarding and plan management features, a built-in NDIS price guide, accounting integrations and more.

You can use the rostering features to create group and recurring rosters, as well as dragging and dropping clients to an individual employee’s shift. Your team can set their availability on the staff app and bid on new shifts, while NDIS participants can request their preferred support workers via the client portal.

Discover how your business can benefit from efficient rostering. Try ShiftCare for free.

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