Disability Services Management Software: Key Features to Look For

Asha Neil

Written on 13 September, 2022
The right tools will empower you to more effectively and efficiently manage your disability service provider business. Make sure your NDIS software has these essential features.

Why Use NDIS Software?

NDIS software can enable you to better operate your disability service business by making administrative tasks quicker and simpler, as well as reducing the risk of human error. The right program will help you handle everything from rostering and time-keeping to customer communications, document management and billing.

As one NDIS software user reports, automating labour-intensive activities allows his business to save time, cut costs and ensure all documents are up to date.

Using software specifically designed for Australian disability service providers comes with several key benefits — namely, that it facilitates compliance with the National Disability Insurance Scheme. But perhaps even more importantly, you’ll be able to provide higher quality, more empathetic services that enable NDIS participants to have a better quality of life.

NDIS Software for Providers: Essential Features 

Use this checklist to ensure your disability services management software helps you operate at your best.

NDIS Compliance 

It's no secret that the National Disability Insurance Scheme has strict requirements for disability service providers. Your software should help you remain compliant through built-in NDIS pricing arrangements and price limits (aka the NDIS price guide), as well as tools for keeping track of participant documentation and appropriately managing client services.

NDIS CRM Software 

From messaging clients to managing their plans, CRM is an essential part of disability service providers' work. Confirm that your NDIS software will help you not just manage client services but also manage your relationship with clients.

Client Matching and Service Provider Rostering

Will the software enable you to match clients and staff based on geographic location? Once matching is done, how easy is rostering?

Ideally, your support workers should be able to input their availability before the system creates a draft roster for you to approve. For greater control over your rosters, you should also be able to create recurring shifts, roster entire teams and view per-client and per-worker rosters.

Progress Notes

Progress notes are critical to quality service delivery, so check that the system for adding them is intuitive and secure. Don't forget to confirm that they're easy for support workers to access.

Document Management

Your NDIS software should help you keep track of client records, review support plans and add expiry dates. Moreover, this should be via a secure, mobile-friendly platform that allows for easy access. 

Don't forget about team member documentation, either — whether it's your new employees or your old-timers, you'll need to stay on top of their contracts, qualifications and evidence of right to work.

Funds Tracking

Staying on top of client funds will help you ensure customers are getting the services they're entitled to. Make sure that you can track funds usage and predict future spending via the platform.

NDIS Billing and Book-Keeping

Built-in NDIS bulk claims can cut down your billing time by 90%. That's without taking into consideration the time savings your organisation could benefit from by integrating time-keeping, expenses and accounting.

Participant Platform

An easy-to-access platform for NDIS participants and their loved ones will improve their quality of life and give them greater agency over the services they receive. Check the system is set up so that you can easily share updates, as well as whether you can provide different logins with varying levels of access to confidential information.

Easy-to-Use Platform for You and Your Support Workers 

Your disability services management software should be a one platform solution to your company's needs. However, no matter how well the program is designed, your organisation will only benefit if it's also intuitive for your admin team and support workers alike to use. The best software for NDIS providers will come with a companion app for your frontline staff to help them deliver quality services.

Data and Reports

If the platform offers customisable reports, you can use these to track your service delivery and finances. In this way, you can improve your bottom line as well as client outcomes.

What Else Should You Look For in Your Disability Services Management Software? 

While NDIS software features are important, they're not the only thing that you should check. Pay attention to these points, too:

Excellent Customer Aftercare 

What happens if you don't know how to use a system or software feature? Are there webinars and online guides? How quickly will the help team respond, if you need them? Ask about customer aftercare during the sign-up stage.

Regular Updates 

Organisations' needs are constantly evolving, as are NDIS regulations. You don't want to be stuck with a system that's using outdated NDIS prices or simply not meeting the needs of modern NDIS service providers. Plus, if the software isn't regularly updated, you might have security problems.

A Free Trial

Since every software and every business is different, it makes sense to try before you buy. With a free trial, you can check that it really will meet your needs and help you to better manage your NDIS provider business. Don't forget to also ask other team members to use it during the free trial.

Comprehensive NDIS Software That Will Help You Provide Better Support

NDIS software should help you by automating administrative tasks, so you can focus on what really counts: providing quality services that make a tangible difference to NDIS participants' quality of life.

ShiftCare's NDIS software will take care of everything from rostering to NDIS prices and funds management, and from bulk claims to progress notes. It comes with two companion apps: one for clients and the other for support workers. What's more, we pride ourselves on our excellent aftercare, with a reactive team ready to help you out with any problems.

Read more about our tools or start your free trial.

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